Wednesday, November 27, 2013

History of Bikes

on this bike it does not have any pedals you  would have to walk it.

this time it has pedals. but the betulus are on the wheels that is weird.

this one has one big  wheel at the front and one small one at the back.

this one has one small wheel and two big at the back and the pedals are not on the wheels

this one has a big one at the back and one small one at the back of the bike.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

when we did mathematics. All of the lines had to be ruled. I went good all of my lines where sprat. you can not do free hand because it has to be shrat

the lines. you could do a shape in the middle of the
Race a Speedboat
Can you make a paper boat race across the water just by gently touching the surface of the water?
Hypothesis (What I think will happen)
the boat will go fast because the liquid will go udar the boat.  

Colored card, washing up liquid, pencil or sharpie, scissors, large container of water.

Method (What we did)
what we will we had to get liquid and put one hand in the water.

Observation (What happened)

the boat went to the other side and crashed.

Conclusion (Why I think it happened)
because the liquid went behind the boat and it will push.

Short Experiment to Follow Up
Make Metal Float
Gently place a paperclip on the water’s surface.

Hypothesis (What I think will happen)
it won't work.

Observation (What happened)
will when we put the paper pin went under the water.

Conclusion (Why I think it happened)
i think it happened because the pin was to heve